Monday, September 22, 2008

Sept 22

Woke up today, showered, shaved, ate a bowl of generic frosted flakes, grabbed a banana and booked it to class. Got back around noon and ate another bowl of cereal and a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich. While eating lunch I took notes with Joey on our reading for theology. By 2 I was back to class.

I sat there and organized all my pictures from the weekend while she got organized for the first 45mins. Then she had us present on the 7 pages our group of six people read. Luckily, Joey and I skimmed the pages 20mins before class and scribbled down the notes. I was selected out of the group to present on the notes taken. Some believe this is because of my amazingly good looks, while others speculate that I was selected because no one else could read my chicken scratch. We will never know.

I read off the sheet of paper, looked up ever once and a 2mins and poetically spewed words of eloquence during my 5 min speech. Some people got me confused with G Dubs for a second, but then remembered it was me.

Class moved at snail speed. After 3 hours of fluff and filler class was dismissed. We all slowly moved to our cottages. I grabbed €0.40, pushed it into the pay phone, and dialed the butcher’s number. Sean’s assistant answered and notified me he’d be here in an hour. The jolly short meat loving Irish man pulled up in his freezer truck and handed me 22lbs of ground beef and 32 chicken fillets about an hour later. I delivered the meat to each cottage and they delivered me a smile and thanks. I finished my first international business deal. I made about €4 in tips, some friends, and a grand impression with the prof and his wife. (No, Jinette I'm not trying to pick up the Profs wife so don't worry about it.)

We all pitched in and made fried chicken with carbonara sauce and noodles. Our sides were fried potatoes, buttered bread, and apples. We said grace and munched down on our food. T’was a hell of a meal.

After supper we wrote down a list of bad words and bad behaviors coupled with punishments. We figured it work help to us upkeep our manly physiques.

F Bomb – 10 push ups
Lords name in vain – 25 push ups
Using gay/fag – 15 push ups
Leaving lights on – 15 push ups
Leaving door open – 5 push ups
*push-ups may be substituted with 2x sit ups

Jinette, if I get back and am jacked or fat you know why…

After this I hit the books for a couple hours. I called Jinette for a study break and she definately put a spring in my step.

I left Skype on, but forgot about it as I was reading and taking notes. Mark unexpectedly, but pleasantly gave me a jingle. I appreciated it and got some good laughs out with him and Jimmy.



Anonymous said...

I'm not worried about the prof's wife, assuming she has seen your beard. I'm glad you boys are creating punishments for your potty mouths. It's very mature of you. You let us here in America know how long it actually lasts. I give it 2.5 days.


Anonymous said...

good stuff bro

What do I do with the beard?