Friday, September 12, 2008

Sept 9th

In the middle of the night on my flight from Chicago to Dublin Emily looked at me and squirmed, “I got a pill stuck in my throat, I don’t know what to do?” She exclaimed to me that she’d been to the back of the plane and the plane attendant was sleeping! I instantly thought of burning a hole in my esophagus and woke the guy up in the back sleeping. I told him, “I need some water, my wife (?) has a pill stuck in her throat.” He pointed me to the front of the plane. I ran down the aisle and yelled at the flight attendants to get me water and stat. They gave me a water, with a cover and I ran back down the aisle. I tripped over an old guy who had his legs stretched out. I lunged forward and the old man caught me, preventing me from landing on my face. I was caught, but the water’s cover flew off and half the water spilled all over a middle aged woman who was sleeping before the old man. She woke up to water hitting her face and my body getting flung at her. Thank goodness she didn’t scream. Instead, I screamed sorry to her as the old man screamed the same to me. Then I caught my balance, did more or less a hit and run, (with a quick word of sorry), and got the half empty water to Emily. She safely got the pill down and all is well.

We took the bus to Spiddal from Shannon. I thankfully slept most of the 2 hour ride away. Unfortunately, the bus driver jammed the heat on full bore and by halfway through, me and everybody else had to strip down on the bus to prevent from melting away. The darn thing didn’t have windows to crack open even.

Ireland is full of rain, clouds, wind, and expensive stuff. The heating, gas, electric, hot water, and laundry are all coin operated. We need to ration everything. Only enough water to take 2 showers a day, but there are 5 of us! So it’ll be interesting. It’s 3 euro to wash, and 3 Euro to dry your clothes here. I will be a smelly guy this semester, but Jinette isn’t here so no worries. Food is outrageously priced… The owner told us food prices have gone up 40% since last year this time! So, Ellen give me some pity! It has been raining all day here with clouds and some nasty winds. Me and two other guys I’ll be living with took a gust storm of a walk into town (25 mins away) today and scoped out all the grocery stores, butcher, church, and pubs. On the way we saw some ponies. In Spiddal we figured out the cheapest place to by certain products… and started to plot different meals out for the coming days, burgers, tacos, soup, grill cheese, and lots of cereal.

Before heading into Spiddal I got a hold of Jinette on Skype for a second. That was really exciting. I cut her off real short, but at least I got to chat. (Anyone reading this should get a microphone and Skype.)

It’s about 9:15 Ireland time and I still have not slept, so I’m gonna hit the hay. Luckily, I won a game of rock paper scissors and received the single bedroom… No need to worry about drunks and loud roommates!

Tomorrow we head into Galway to tour the city for the first time. I better get to bed and get good night’s sleep. I keep nodding off while writing this… I should be good compared to the rest of everyone else... they are all hitting up the bar for a late night…

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What do I do with the beard?