Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept 16th

Today was a busy day, but still not bad considering I am in school technically. I woke up today and let the shower water heater run for about 40 mins this morning. I figured I’d sneak one in without anyone noticing. In cottage one we call hot water liquid gold. So I guess I bathed in liquid gold this morning. I had a warm shower for the first time since leaving a week ago. Time flies by here in Ireland.

I had two classes today, Senior Seminar and the Anthropology of Ireland. Seminar is an interesting class. We listened to the prof go through the syllabus and lecture us on expectations for class. I always ask myself why they give us a syllabus then read it to us as if we are illiterate…? After getting that out of the way the professor posed a simple discussion question for the last 10mins of class. He asked, “What is morality and where does it come from?” Most people tackle that question over a lifespan, but we are so wise at Saint John’s that 10mins sufficed.

Anthropology seems to be interesting, but 3 hours is a long time to sit and listen to a middle aged Irish woman rattle off dates of historical periods. The good thing is that she wants to go on field trips almost every class period. She’s much more relaxed about everything than I’m used to…. For example, she looked outside and commented on how it was a nice day. Someone in the class asked if we could go outside and the next thing you know we were sitting in a circle taking in the cool breeze and a couple rays of sun learning about the primitive people of Ireland.

Class ended and I headed into Spiddal with my backpack and €65, which I collected for the meat at the Butcher shop. After talking to Sean’s assistant at Feeney’s Butcher I headed over to SuperMacs. I needed to experience the fast food of Ireland. I waltzed into the SuperMacs a couple doors down. Right away I could feel the greasy heat from the fryers hit my face and coat my forehead. I almost turned around at this point, but remembered this same experience at the fry stand at the state fair, so I decided to stick it out. I wiped the grease off my forehead with my sleeve, took a chance, and ordered a number 5 with a Coke. I waited behind the counter for about 5 mins awkwardly waiting for my food while the women who took my order shot me glares. Finally, she looked at me, rolled her eyes, and told me to sit down. She explained in an irritating tone that she’d deliver the food to my table. I waited in my seat and started to feel the grease cake on my face. I waited, then waited a little more, and then finally I waited more… After about 20 mins of me watching this woman fumble around at snail speed I started to question if “fast food” was the proper name, because it sure didn’t describe SuperMacs. Finally my food was done and she asked if I wanted BBQ sauce. I said yes, and by the time she bent down to pick it off the shelf below I was at the counter with the tray in hand. She was a little startled.

The Coke went down easy, the chicken nuggets tasted like grade school, and the fries “chips” unfortunately didn’t bring back memories of the state fair. I ate 3 fries and junked the rest. At this point, I felt like I’d been robbed of my €4.50 and figured I get my money back in pop. I asked for a (free) refill and she looked at me like I was speaking Chinese and said, “No, we don’t do that…” I marched out the door in disgust and gained respect for SuperMac’s cleaner, faster, cheaper, better tasting, glorious Irish nephew who emigrated to the U.S. – McDonalds, I’m Lovin It!

I walked to the Hues Pub and did some homework with a Bulmers in one hand and a pen in the other. The locals were at opposite ends of the bar and talking to each other. I tried to zone them out, but couldn’t help but to hear the F bombs in their Irish tongue followed by God bless you and thanks a million.

I walked back to my cottage listening to country music and watching the moon rise and the stars twinkle. Every time I’d get lost in the beauty of the sky a car would come roaring passed me at lightning speed and cause me to jump a foot off the ground in fright.

I got back, cooked some more grub, and called my dad to tell him all about my business deals. A bunch of drunks were screaming in the background yapping about some hot girls. I snapped at them and shooed them away. After talking with Dad I called Jinette, but the signal was horrible. Either that or her other boyfriend was calling on the other line trying to get through.

Off to bed I go, gnight…. And thanks a million for the comments, they’re grand lads... (that’s how the locals would've said that.)


Anonymous said...

ryan--i get such a kick out of your posts... they are very thorough and entertaining for us boring folk back in the states :) AND ask jinette to tell you about my new fun news! sounds like you are having a blast (minus the food and the prices)...


Anonymous said...

Dear Ryan,

Do you have no faith in me?? Really -- my other boyfriend?! Haha! Now we know the trick -- you just have to wait until 3:15 am your time to get good signal :) Love the posts! Sounds like you're really taking charge... Go figure... And you had to throw a republican comment in there too... So Ireland hasn't changed you too much... Good to know!


Sara said...

ryan. . . i can't believe you thought trying the mcdonalds would be a good idea. that's something you save for like the last day of your trip when you really really really miss some good old american food and it's been so long since you've tasted it that you think it tastes good. by the way, you should consider writing books, i am so entertained by your writing style. i miss you!

Anonymous said...


I just reading all your blog entries. I've been pretty busy up here so I fell behind in reading them. Jimmy is still doing homework at 1:15 AM and I had no classes today, because Prevost loves to miss classes.

I went to a speech by Conservative Thought. Brian Gunderson, Chief of Staff under Condie Rice for the State Departemnt, was the smartest man ever. Learned a lot about the condition of the world from someone who has real knowledge, not just ideas like politicians.

You told me your writing was as poor as mine. You lied to me!

I wish I was the pub with you,
Mark Lais

Anonymous said...

Ryan, When you were explaining the meat purchasing ordeal, I felt like the infocommercial for Sham-WOW - Are you with me camera boy, I can't do this all day! Maybe THAT is your calling. Lucky you, I got asked to leave the McDonalds in London.


Anonymous said...

I told you about "grand" lol... I bet you didn't really believe me though!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog xroomie! keep up the great work and drink a pint for me!



What do I do with the beard?